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Pupil Premium
Pupil premium funding started in April 2011 and is allocated based on the following criteria:
- Students eligible for free school meals in the last 6 years
- Students in local authority care
- Students with parents in the armed forces
We utilise the vast research conducted by the Education Endowment Foundation to ensure our intervention programmes are effective. Many of the interventions stated below fall into the categories highlighted as effective interventions for our pupil premium students: one to one mentoring, behaviour mentoring, small group tuition, parental involvement, digital technology, and summer school. The research conducted by the EEF suggest that the above interventions can make from 2-8 months of progress for learners.
Our vision is to ensure there is no gap between the attainment and progress of our disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students and no difference when compared to national non-disadvantaged students. We understand that there are many reasons that students may at times underperform. Our focus is to highlight this quickly and effectively by removing the barrier to the individual’s progress. We effectively track, monitor and support our students using our data systems to assess academic progress, attendance and behaviour, and attitude to learning. To support the strategic planning and implementation of our pupil premium funding, we have divided the potential progress barriers for learners into 4 levels. Further information can be found on the documentation enclosed.
Pupil Premium Plan Knole Academy 2024 - 2025KCC Select Committee Report
Local Community Support Information - May 2020
Knole Community Store
We have a community store to support our disadvantaged Knole Academy families by regularly supplying them with nutritious food produce and hygiene products. All parents have been emailed with further information and this letter can be found below:-
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