Subject Leader: Mrs R Laker –
Subject Teachers: Miss C Hurley, Mr T Miller, Mr J Major, Mr R Turner, Mr T White and Miss M Stock
Exam Board: Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 5 9-4 grades in GCSE examinations, including English and Maths.
At Knole Academy, we recognise the importance of PE and the role it has to play in promoting long term, healthy lifestyles and making a positive impact on physical, mental and social health. Physical Education helps students to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies to live healthy and physically active lives at school and beyond. The Physical Education department at Knole Academy are fully committed to the all-round development of each student and the extensive broad, yet balanced, curriculum we offer.
The vision of the department is to create a learning environment where all students are able to achieve their full potential, through a range of purposeful yet enjoyable activities, where there are ample opportunities for our students to assume responsibility for their own learning. We engage and motivate all our learners through personalised and challenging learning objectives, in a context where, our students feel safe to evaluate their own and other’s performance in order to support progression. It is important to provide opportunities for students to take on different roles and responsibilities both inside and outside of the classroom.
We want our students to be inspired by sport and to instil a passion for maintaining their health and wellbeing into adult life. Similarly, we aim to encourage our students to enjoy physical activity, by ensuring all lessons are exciting and challenging with high quality teaching and learning. We provide pathways for all our students to continue their sport and physical activity within the local community by developing links to local sports clubs and activities.
Students are encouraged to work individually and as part of a team, which helps build trust, and develop problem-solving and communication skills. Competition is a huge part of the sporting environment and life in general and whilst we encourage competition and the competitive spirit, we also promote the ideas of fair play and sportsmanship in addition to the other Paralympic/Olympic and British values. Through our curriculum we hope students build the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports and activities out of school and later in life. Our extensive extra-curricular programme is open to all of our students to attend on a competitive and social basis, which is run throughout the academic year. There are also sports leadership opportunities throughout their time at Knole Academy.

At Knole Academy, the Physical Education curriculum is designed to build and expand on previous skills and subject knowledge, over a five to seven-year period. The curriculum is sequenced so that students have opportunities for repetition to embed knowledge and develop skills, increasing the chance of information recall and to integrate new knowledge into larger ideas.
Our curriculum is progressive and challenging, so that students develop a life-long love for a physical lifestyle, whilst developing a knowledge and skills base that helps them to develop opportunities for the future.
In Years 12 and 13, students participate in weekly enrichment activities to ‘promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity’.
This qualification is not just about being able to play sports; it will provide learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding to progress into Higher Education on a sport-related programme such as Sport and Physical Education, Sport Science, Sports Coaching and Development or Sport and Leisure Management. The units will give learners an understanding of sport within the wider contexts of coaching and leadership, anatomy and physiology and the body’s short and long-term responses to physical activity. Learners will also develop transferable skills such as planning, communication, adaptability and leadership.

Examination Information
Exam Board: OCR
Qualification: Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate in Sport and Physical Activity
How is the course assessed?
There are five components to the course:
- Component 1: Body systems and the effects of physical activity
- Component 2: Sports coaching and activity leadership
- Component 3: Sports organisation and development
- Component 4: Sports injuries and rehabilitation
- Component 5: Sport and exercise psychology
Component 1: Body systems and the effects of physical activity. (25%).
Written examination. Year 12. 1 hour 30 minutes. 70 marks.
Component 2: Sports coaching and activity leadership.
Internally marked and externally moderated.
Component 3: Sports organisation and development. (17%).
Written examination. Year 13. 1 hour. 60 marks.
Component 4: Sports injuries and rehabilitation.
Internally marked and externally moderated.
Component 5: Sport and exercise psychology.
Internally marked and externally moderated.
Sport & Physical Activity Future Paths
Many Physical Education students go on to have onward sporting careers of a future related to sport, physical and mental health.
A number of our students have gone on to have professional sports careers.
Students may also study Physical Education related courses and go on to have careers in:
- coaching;
- officiating;
- sports journalism;
- sports therapy;
- sports physiotherapy;
- sports management;
- sports marketing;
- nutrition;
- sports and exercise science;