Subject Leader: Miss C Kilby –
Subject Teachers:
Exam Board: International Baccalaureate
Entry Requirements
Minimum of 5 9-5 grades in GCSE examinations including English and Maths. Students are expected to have a grade 6 in English or History.
Students studying in this 2-year course will study global history, looking at aspects of world history which have a direct impact on the modern world.

Throughout the progress of the course, students of IB history will become more curious about the past, asking questions, and advancing to seek answers; the foundation skills that they have learnt through their KS3 and KS4 teaching will set them up with an excellent around their further study in years 12 and 13.
Communication will become a key part of the students’ work In IB history and, with counting development, this vital life skill for the students will serve them well as they look to further education at university or employment.

Course Outline
Exam Board: International Baccalaureate
Qualification: History Diploma
Examination Information
Paper 1 – Rights and Protest in the USA and South Africa (20%)
1 hour exam.
- 4 structured questions
Paper 2 – Essay based on world history topic (25%)
1 hour 30 minutes.
- Authoritarian States (Germany and Cuba)
- The Cold War and Superpower tensions and rivalries (focus on the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis).
- Two essay questions answered.
Paper 3 – American history topics (35%)
2 hours 30 minutes.
- Essay based exam focusing on American history topics—political developments in Latin America and the Caribbean 1945- 1980,
- the Cold War and the Americans 1945—1981,
- Civil Rights and social movements in the Americas post-1945.
Historical Investigation (20%)
20 hours.
- During this part of the course you will be expected to pose and investigate your own historical enquiry which will be based upon the use and evaluation of historical sources.
- It is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge of topics that you have already studied or investigate something entirely new.
Future Courses and Possible Careers
Accounting, Teaching, Banking, Investment, Trader and more.