This page contains the latest information about exams, including statutory guidance and notices provided by JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications). Additionally, you will find information about forthcoming exam seasons, exam timetables for upcoming exams and forms to be completed if you have a query about your exam results, for both GCSE and GCEs (A-levels).
External Exam Timetable
Internal Summative Assessments
Exam Resources and Revision Guides
Coping with exam pressures
GCSE and A-Level Results Collection
Details of the day’s outline will be shared upon conclusion of the examination period.
When attending, all students must show identification to collect as this is official documentation. If a student wishes for another person to collect on their behalf, please email in advance stating the following information:
- Candidate Name
- Candidate’s date of birth
- The full name of the person who will collect it (They will also need to provide identification to collect it).
If you have any questions, please contact
Arrangements For Collecting Previous Year’s Certificates
If you cannot collect the certificates yourself, you can nominate someone else to collect them by giving them signed written permission. This includes parents and other family members or friends. Please ask them to bring written permission and a form of photographic ID.
Certificates will not be issued to anyone other than those named on them without written permission and ID.
Certificates that have not been collected will be confidentially destroyed after 5 years.