Key Stage 5 Results

16-18 Performance Measures

Further information on official performance measures can be found here:

Click here to look at the performance measures tables.

Please note: Progress (value added) measures for the 2022/2023 or 2023/2024 academic year will not be published, as the Secretary of State is not publishing these.

Attainment Measures

Academic Qualifications, Including IB (47 Students)

Academic Qualifications include A Levels but also other ‘level 3’ academic qualifications such as international baccalaureates and Pre-U.

Average point score (APS): 32.05 (C+)

This shows the average point score (APS) that students achieved per entry, also expressed as an average grade.

Applied General Qualifications (50 students)

Applied General are Qualifications that provide a broad study of a vocational area. They are designed to lead to higher education, and they include areas such as performing arts, business, and health & social care.

Average point score (APS): 30.03 (Distinction -)

This shows the average point score (APS) that students achieved per entry, also expressed as an average grade.

Retention Measures

Percentage of students retained to the end of the core aim of their study programme:

Destination Measures

Students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2022 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this. This is provisional data published in December 2024.

  • Staying in education:45%
  • Apprenticeships: 5%
  • Employment:34%
  • Not in Education or Employment (for at least two terms after study): 15%
  • Unknown: 1%
  • Total students in the year group: 74